About our Herd
We have been raising dairy goats since 2004. Our herd has been certified "Animal Welfare Approved" since 2010, the gold standard in pasture based livestock production certification programs. Our genetic selection is focused on overall soundness and conformation, high milk components (butterfat and protein) and longevity. Several of our sold does have placed in the tops of their classes at county and state fairs throughout the years. We have sold goats to dairy farmers and 4-H kids across the country including Vermont, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Indiana, Missouri, Iowa, and Wisconsin. Our goats would also be ideal for farmers wanting to crossbreed with Boer goats.
Our herd is registered through the American Dairy Goat Association. If you are purchasing a kid and would like to register them as well, we would fill out a Bill of Sale and provide tattoo information in order for you to do so. Crossbreeds can still be registered as "Experimental Grade" through ADGA. Our herd is tested annually and confirmed negative for CAE, CL, and Johne's since 2005. We keep milk records through AgSource DHI (2007-present) for all our milking does. You can look up individual milk records on the ADGA website.

Goats For Sale
Now taking reservations for 2025 Buck and Doe Kids: ​
$250- $450 Doelings
$250-$500 Bucklings
$50-$125 Wethers (castrated males)
Milking and Dry Does
We occasionally sell milking does, bred does and older breeding bucks. We also sell older does ready to retire who would make great pets and/or companion animals for other livestock or horses. Reach out to our Herd Manager, Rose for more information at rose@prairiefruitsfarm.com​
We require a deposit of $100 per head to reserve a goat. The remaining balance for your purchase will be due at pickup. All goat reservations are first-received first-served.
Our breeds: Lamancha, Nubian, and Lamancha-Nubian Experimentals
To schedule a time to come look at them or for any other questions please email our Herd manager, Rose directly at rose@prairiefruitsfarm.com
Our Herd Manager will reach out to confirm goat/goats and send an invoice to pay online.
Out of state Buyers:
If you require health papers to take goats out of state, please let us know at least one week prior to pickup. Buyer must pay any additional costs for health certificates and/or testing. Scrapie tags are provided to all out of state buyers.

Kid Care Practices
Have a Question? Email us at office@prairiefruitsfarm.com
Our kidding season runs from March to May. Our kids are separated from their dams at birth. We feed them their mothers' colostrum within the first 12 hours after birth and pooled raw goats milk up to 1 week of age. Kids are then transitioned over to Land O Lakes Doe's Match medicated milk replacer and trained on an automated feeding system using the Lac-Tec. This ensures that they have access to warm milk whenever they want it. This practice has resulted in faster growing kids with fewer health problems and higher weight gains pre-weaning. We offer them mixed hay and a pelleted grain ration starting at 1 week of age. We wean our kids between 6 to 8 weeks of age, depending on their weight gain and reliance on hay and grain.
We disbud within the first week after they are born. All kids are given a BoSe supplement at birth and vaccinated with CD&T at 6 weeks and given a booster dose at 12 weeks and 6 months. The adults are booster vaccinated in winter prior to kidding season.

Contact us for specific questions you may have here.